Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kemble's Cascade

The constellation of Camelopardalis, no not a camel, but a Giraffe, is a northerly one surrounded by Cassiopeia, Perseus, Auriga, Lynx, Ursa Major, Draco & Ursa Minor. Milky Way wanders into the territorial area of the Camelopardalis towards the side touching Cassiopeia & Perseus. Camelopardalis contains a colourful asterism called Kemble's Cascade containing more than 20 stars, spanning more than 2½° in the shape of a cascade. The cascade contains colourful 8th mag stars leading to open cluster NGC1502.

Kemble's Cascade can be seen easily in binoculars. Start from Algol, proceed to Mirfak, the brightest star of Perseus and continue the same distance to locate Kemble's Cascade. Another way to locate it is using Cassiopeia. Start from Caph, head towards Segin and follow the same distance and direction to Kamble's Cascade. Caph and Segin are the two end stars of the W of Cassiopeia.

I shot this asterism through a 200mm lens from IAO, Hanle, Ladakh. Hope you like the photograph.

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